Sunday, October 7, 2018


         Whatsapp is one of the largest messaging platforms globally with 1.3billion users,out of which around 250 million are in India.

        Whatsapp Beta on Android has been updated with two features.
               1.Swipe to reply.
               2.Picture-in -Picture mode.
         These two features are only available for Whatsapp Beta Users for Android.In addition the company also said to be working on ads in status and more features, inline image Notification, Messenger like sticker packes testing process is going on.

Swipe To Reply:

          Swipe to reply already available for Whatsapp IOS users.This essentially allows users to swipe right on the message they want to reply.This feature is an addition to the existing way of replying with long press on the was recently added in Android beta version ,suggesting it could soon be rolled out for Android users  as well.
               This feature is very simple to use ,and if you have your Whatsapp for Android Beta Version updated,you will be able to use it.

Picture-in-picture Mode:

        Picture-in-Picture mode supports watch YouTube and Instagram videos in Whatsapp app itself. If you tap on a YouTube or Instagram video link,it will play within the chat  and not direct you to the respective apps.You can also expand the video box to watch it in full-screen.Earlier in August,WhatsApp rolled out picture-in-picture for video calling on its beta app. On IOS, this feature has been available since last year.

How To Update Whatsapp Beta Version:

    This two features are only applicable for Whatsapp Beta Version. If your Whatapp is not Beta Version ,Go this link "
And click ' become a Tester' ,If you get you are a tester Successfully and then Update your  Whatsapp in Playstore.